This entry is part 49 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Readings
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Between Us wedding reading

awesome wedding readings
This entry is part 49 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Readings

Here’s the next in my series of awesome wedding readings you might like to include in your wedding ceremony!

Readings are absolutely not a compulsory part of a marriage ceremony. They’re a way of expressing something in a way that’s different from anything you or I can come up with, and they’re also a way of including additional people in the ceremony if you want to.

We’re not necessarily talking about Bible readings here, although you can include Bible passages if you want. You might like to consider poems, passages from films or books (especially those written for children), or song lyrics. To give an even more personal touch, some couples ask their loved ones to write something specifically for their ceremony. There are plenty of options!

Between Us, author unknown

Between Me and You

With every moment we share
Every smile, every touch
I become more certain that in you
I’ve found something I’ve looked for a long time
I don’t know what the future holds
But I do know that you’re a really good friend
And for now, that’s more than enough.

Between You and Me

When I really need a special friend
You’re always there for me
I can’t begin to tell you
How good that makes me feel
Your concern is so comforting
Your kindness, overwhelming
To do the things you do for me, and for others
Takes a very special kind of person
I want to thank you for being a great friend
In ways I’ll never forget and for being
Such a special friend.

Between Me and You and Between You and Me

Let’s say there were two close friends
And then, even though they may come from different worlds
And may never be able to escape the natural tension that exists
Like a magnetic field between the two close friends
Let’s say this friendship was as good as it gets
And that neither one of them would do anything
To change that
One thing could be sure
Whatever else might happen
They could depend upon their friendship
To last, and to grow
And so
Let’s say the story ends well
Even though as always
It is just the beginning.


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awesome wedding vowsPoetry wedding vows
funeral readingsA Cricketer's Last Boundary funeral reading
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