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Do I go to the reception?

wedding reception

A question that is often asked on Google and in wedding forms is does the celebrant go to the reception? Some of my lovely couples invite me to their reception, an absolute honour, but I generally decline their kind invitation. Why is this?

Weddings (and by extension, wedding receptions) are about being surrounded by your nearest and dearest: your family and friends. While we may have struck up an awesome friendship while we’ve been working together, I definitely don’t count myself in this list. I therefore wouldn’t dream of intruding on your amazing wedding reception party!

It’s also unlikely that I would know anyone there other than you; I may have met your wedding party and your parents in passing but that’s it. Weddings receptions are great fun when you’re partying with your buddies, but they’re less fun when you don’t know anyone. I’d be the odd one out, and I’m honestly dreadful at small talk!

So thank you for the kind and generous invitation to your reception, but unless I’ve been invited as a guest separate from my celebrant role, I’ll decline on this occasion. We can hang out on other, less important nights!

***Originally posted 16/01/2015, updated 11/07/2024***

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