This entry is part 8 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Readings
black chairs on grass with a signing table and a green leafy arbour wedding equipmentWhat equipment do I need for my wedding ceremony?
celebrant with her arms raised and a big smileHow I start the ceremony: celebrant housekeeping

I Like You wedding reading

awesome wedding readings
This entry is part 8 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Readings

Here’s the next in my series of awesome wedding readings you might like to include in your wedding ceremony!

Readings are absolutely not a compulsory part of a marriage ceremony. They’re a way of expressing something in a way that’s different from anything you or I can come up with, and they’re also a way of including additional people in the ceremony if you want to.

We’re not necessarily talking about Bible readings here, although you can include Bible passages if you want. You might like to consider poems, passages from films or books (especially those written for children), or song lyrics. To give an even more personal touch, some couples ask their loved ones to write something specifically for their ceremony. There are plenty of options!

I Like You, by Sandol Stoddard Warburg

Like many of the children’s books in this series, I have this one in gorgeous hard cover that you can use at your ceremony.

I like you and I know why
I like you because you are a good person to like
I like you because when I tell you something special, you know it’s special
And you remember it a long, long time
You say, Remember when you told me something special
And both of us remember

When I think something is important you think it’s important too
We have good ideas
When I say something funny, you laugh
I think I’m funny and you think I’m funny too

I like you because you know where I’m ticklish
And you don’t tickle me there except just a little tiny bit sometimes
But if you do, then I know where to tickle you too
You know how to be silly – that’s why I like you
If I am getting ready to pop a paper bag,
then you are getting ready to jump

I like you because when I am feeling sad
You don’t always cheer me up right away
Sometimes it is better to be sad
You can’t stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minute
You want to think about things
It takes time

I like you because if I am mad at you
Then you are mad at me too
It’s awful when the other person isn’t
They are so nice and oooh you could just about punch them on the nose

I can’t remember when I didn’t like you
It must have been lonesome then
Even if it was the 999th of July
Even if it was August
Even if it was way down at the bottom of November
I would go on choosing you
And you would go on choosing me
Over and over again
And that’s how it would happen every time


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black chairs on grass with a signing table and a green leafy arbour wedding equipmentWhat equipment do I need for my wedding ceremony?
celebrant with her arms raised and a big smileHow I start the ceremony: celebrant housekeeping
Series Navigation<< How Falling in Love is Like Owning a Dog wedding readingKurt Cobain wedding reading >>