Something old, something new

There are so many wedding traditions around. I’m definitely a fan of dropping the ones that are not at all meaningful to you and your partner. Having said that, the “something old, something new” one is still pretty popular. But what does it mean?
The full saying is actually “Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, a silver sixpence in her shoe.”
Something old
Something old represents the bride’s family, her past and traditions. This could be a piece of jewellery or a hairclip handed down within the family.
Something new
Something new represents the new life the bride is entering into with her partner. A gift from a bridesmaid or from her husband-to-be is a lovely touch.
Something borrowed
Something borrowed is traditionally borrowed from another happy bride, symbolising wedded bliss. A piece of jewellery she wore on her wedding day would be perfect for this wedding tradition.
Something blue
Something blue is a symbol of fidelity, purity and love. Traditionally added as a band around the wedding gown, some brides now choose to wear a blue garter, paint their nails blue, or pin a blue handkerchief to the inside of their dress.
A silver sixpence in her shoe
A silver sixpence in her shoe is symbolic of future prosperity. The British Mint has even released a ceremonial set of authentic sixpences, struck between 1920 and 1946. Brides who want to incorporate the full tradition can purchase them here!
Is this a wedding tradition you’ll be incorporating in your big day? How do you think you’ll meet each of the requirements?
***Originally posted 09/07/2015, updated 01/06/2021***