This entry is part 7 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows
funeral readingsYou Meant So Much funeral reading
black chairs on grass with a signing table and a green leafy arbour wedding equipmentWhat equipment do I need for my wedding ceremony?

Stronger together wedding vows

awesome wedding vows
This entry is part 7 of 60 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows

Here’s the next set of awesome wedding vows in my series of amazing (de-identified) vows from one of my beautiful couples!

Some of my couples have written such incredible words of love and promise, and I thought they’d act as great inspiration for other couples who have no idea where to start when writing their own vows. While I provide all my couples with a vow pack that contains questions to get you started and loads of individual sentences that can be put together to create vows (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that), the vows in this series all include the kind of personal touches that I think make wedding vows beautiful and genuine. To me, the most successful vows are personal, from the heart, and written in language the speaker would use in their everyday life.

Also remember: the word vow means promise. While we all love hearing all the reasons you love your partner, your vows are your chance to tell your partner all the things you are promising them for your lives together into the future. Don’t forget the promises!

A reminder: these vows are published to inspire you and provide you with some ideas for writing your vows. They’re not here so you can copy them word for word!

Also remember these don’t include the legally required vows – those words generally go at the start of these ones.

Party 1

Today is the day that I am announcing to all our friends and family that I love you with all my heart and always will do. I wish to say thank you. Thank you for putting up with me for all these years through the hard and trying times.

Although we have had our challenges we have made it through together. We are stronger together. Stronger than individuals and we have proven that to be true. We have beaten the odds as a young couple raising a fantastic young family and a big part of that is because of you: because of your drive, your love, your ability to make things work and most of all because of your strength, your strength to beat and overcome anything that has tried to stop you. You have never let anything stop you from being the best mother or partner that anyone could hope for, and I promise to help keep this strength and love alive in you forever.

So even though you wouldn’t dive with me to make giving you your first ring easy would you take the ring I’ll give you shortly, and make the rest of my life better knowing you will be by my side forever.

Party 2

First I’d like to thank you for being by my side during the happiest days of my life, for giving me our four beautiful children, for being a strong loving father who always shows them what is important in life, and for always making time for all of us, no matter how crazy life gets. I thank you for your smile and partnership, and for always being my light when things have been dark, for always making me feel safe and special.

I promise to continue to encourage you, inspire you and to love you truly through good times and bad. I promise I will always be there to laugh with you, to lift you up when you’re down and to love you unconditionally through all of our adventures in life together. I promise to cherish every moment, to be fair and to listen to you. I promise to always make time for us, to dream with you and to be your biggest fan. I will be loyal to you and I will love and adore you exactly as you are for all of our days together.

I offer you all that I can give and with all that I am I thank you for always being the love of my life.


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funeral readingsYou Meant So Much funeral reading
black chairs on grass with a signing table and a green leafy arbour wedding equipmentWhat equipment do I need for my wedding ceremony?
Series Navigation<< Always gentle and kind wedding vowsYou are the best thing wedding vows >>