Things you CAN do in your wedding ceremony – Part 2
Recently I wrote about the things you DON’T have to include in your wedding ceremony, no matter what you’ve seen on TV or what someone else told you! This time I’m taking those traditional wedding components from the last post and suggesting alternatives.
I’ve got so many of these amazing different suggestions that I’ve decided to split this post. Check out the other instalments here, here, and here!
The bride doesn’t have to be escorted down the aisle by anyone, let alone by her father
The days of the bride’s father dragging escorting her down the aisle to be handed over to the groom are long gone, and there are no longer any expectations about the bride’s aisle escort. There are so many alternative options. I’ve seen everyone from a bride’s dad, mum, dad and mum, aunt, sibling, grandparent, to her kids act as aisle escorts. I’ve seen brides walk the aisle alone or together with their soon-to-be-spouse. Do you have more than one important person in your life, but a narrow aisle? No problem, just have one walk you the first half and the other the second half. There are literally no rules here.
And of course there isn’t always a bride at a wedding, so all of these options apply to grooms as well!
You don’t have to have an aisle at all
This goes particularly well with the “not making a grand entrance” one. There is no reason to have an aisle, particularly if no one is going to be walking down it. If you’re both going to be there while your guests are arriving, why have an aisle between the seats? There’s no need. Still want to make an entrance but from behind the ceremony space? That’s your prerogative. It does depend a bit on your venue and the vagaries of the space you’re working in. But generally aisles can be left in the supermarket if they’re not absolutely necessary.
Nobody has to be “given away”
This is definitely going out of fashion. A lovely alternative (apart from saying nothing at all) is given the parents/families/peeps of BOTH the bride and the groom the opportunity to affirm their support of the relationship. They can promise to continue to provide love and guidance to the couple in their new marriage. There are several different ways of doing this, depending on who you want to include.
The bride doesn’t have to carry a bouquet
SO. MANY. ALTERNATIVES. Fresh floral bouquets are beautiful, but what if it’s the wrong season for your favourite flower. What if you’re allergic to flowers? Aside from not carrying anything at all, I’ve seen:
- fake flowers
- dried flowers
- pom poms
- parasols
- fans
- balloons
- lollipops
- pinwheels, and
- bouquets made of jewels, buttons, sequins
- bouquets made of fabric
- sheet music bouquets
- book pages bouquets.
This is a great opportunity to be creative and:
- design a different bouquet that’s completely your own
- carry something completely non-bouquet like at all, or
- don’t carry anything.
I hope it’s become apparent that the whole point here is that there are next to no rules, just what is meaningful for you as a couple for your special day. I am flexible and adaptable enough that I can cope with any idea you throw at me, and I firmly believe that marriage ceremonies should be personalised, meaningful, and all about YOU.
***Originally posted 22/03/2016, updated 01/10/2021***