This entry is part 32 of 61 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows
funeral readingsEpitaph on my own Friend funeral reading
funeral ceremoniesOpening music at a funeral

Unbreakable bond wedding vows

awesome wedding vows
This entry is part 32 of 61 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows

Here’s the next set of awesome wedding vows in my series of amazing (de-identified) vows from one of my beautiful couples!

Some of my couples have written such incredible words of love and promise, and I thought they’d act as great inspiration for other couples who have no idea where to start when writing their own vows. While I provide all my couples with a vow pack that contains questions to get you started and loads of individual sentences that can be put together to create vows (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that), the vows in this series all include the kind of personal touches that I think make wedding vows beautiful and genuine. To me, the most successful vows are personal, from the heart, and written in language the speaker would use in their everyday life.

Also remember: the word vow means promise. While we all love hearing all the reasons you love your partner, your vows are your chance to tell your partner all the things you are promising them for your lives together into the future. Don’t forget the promises!

A reminder: these vows are published to inspire you and provide you with some ideas for writing your vows. They’re not here so you can copy them word for word!

Also remember these don’t include the legally required vows – those words generally go at the start of these ones.

Party 1

Meeting you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The friendship, love and support that you’ve given me mean the world to me and I’m so proud to stand here today and marry you, my best friend.

I stand with you in front of our family and friends, and I promise you that I will always stand with you. I promise that I’ll keep doing silly things to make you laugh, even when you’re not looking. I promise I will try harder to remember to replace the garbage bag after I empty the bin. I promise that I’ll be your loyal sidekick on whatever crazy adventures you have planned. I promise you that I will love and respect you, that I will always be your best friend and I promise that I will never stop wanting to hold your hand.

Whatever adventures or hardships lay ahead, good or bad, I promise you we will face it all together. I love you.

Party 2

The past eight years have seen events unfold that have both enriched and confronted us. During this time we have experienced spectacular highs and unforeseen lows, which have helped to forge the unbreakable bond that we now share. But no matter what situation we find ourselves in, I always feel comforted by knowing you are there with me.

You have challenged me to outdo myself in many ways and this, I believe, has made me a better person. Your quirky humour, your candid honesty, your unwavering compassion and your gentle nature are only the beginnings of what makes you a truly wonderful person and partner.

Although I have tried, the depth of love that I feel for you cannot adequately by expressed with words.

With these vows I promise to always support, honour and respect you. I promise to be by your side during life’s challenges and to rejoice with you when we overcome them. Most of all, I promise to takes us on some epic adventures and create life long memories with you. You are my best friend, my soul mate, my rock, my greatest supporter, my my.


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funeral readingsEpitaph on my own Friend funeral reading
funeral ceremoniesOpening music at a funeral
Series Navigation<< As I give you my hand wedding vowsShare my life with you wedding vows >>