Usual place of residence on the NOIM

Item 6 of the Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) asks you to list your Usual place of residence (full address). This seems like a simple question, but there are some nuances.
Post office boxes
Your response to this item cannot be a post office box. It is not asking for your postal address, it is asking for your place of residence. Nobody resides in a post office box. You need to list the address you usually live at.
Overseas visitors
Your response to this item will not necessarily be the place you are currently staying.
For example, a person has come to Australia to visit their fiance. While here, they are staying (residing) with their fiance. After their visit, they will return to their home country, with a plan to move to Australia at some point before or after the wedding. During their stay the couple meets with their authorised celebrant to complete and lodge their NOIM. The overseas partner’s answer to Item 6 is not their Australian fiance’s address. That’s not their usual place of residence. Their usual place of residence is their overseas home address. That’s the address they travelled from and will return to before moving to Australia.
This might mean that the response to this item on the NOIM may not be the same as the usual place of residence recorded on the Declaration of No Legal Impediment to Marriage (DONLIM) and the Official Certificates of Marriage (OCM). Legal documents should be correct at the time they are signed. By the time they sign the DONLIM (as close as possible before the ceremony) and the OCM (during the ceremony), they may well be usually living in Australia. That’s absolutely fine. There’s no requirement for these details to be consistent on the marriage documents.
Full address
Make sure you list your full address as requested by the item. You:
- cannot get away with only listing your street without the number you live at
- cannot get away with only listing the suburb you live in
- must provide your full address.
This is because for many years a person’s home address made up part of their identity. It needs to be complete to distinguish you from other people with your name who many live in your street or suburb.
Usual place of residence: the full address of the place you usually live in.
More information
Click here for a full overview of the legal requirements of marriage in Australia.
Read all the posts in my series about marriage legalities here.
Find all the posts in my series about Australian wedding ceremonies here.
- Marriage legalities for everyone in Australia!
- Marriageable age in Australia
- Usual place of residence on the NOIM
- Not married to someone else
- Prohibited relationships in Australia
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- Marriage legalities for everyone in Australia!
- Marriageable age in Australia
- Usual place of residence on the NOIM
- Not married to someone else
- Prohibited relationships in Australia