This entry is part 52 of 61 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows
funeral readingsBlessing for One Who Has Taken Their Own Life funeral reading
awesome wedding readingsThe One wedding reading

Amongst the chaos of life wedding vows

awesome wedding vows
This entry is part 52 of 61 in the series Awesome Wedding Vows

Here’s the next set of awesome wedding vows in my series of amazing (de-identified) vows from one of my beautiful couples!

Some of my couples have written such incredible words of love and promise, and I thought they’d act as great inspiration for other couples who have no idea where to start when writing their own vows. While I provide all my couples with a vow pack that contains questions to get you started and loads of individual sentences that can be put together to create vows (and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that), the vows in this series all include the kind of personal touches that I think make wedding vows beautiful and genuine. To me, the most successful vows are personal, from the heart, and written in language the speaker would use in their everyday life.

Also remember: the word vow means promise. While we all love hearing all the reasons you love your partner, your vows are your chance to tell your partner all the things you are promising them for your lives together into the future. Don’t forget the promises!

A reminder: these vows are published to inspire you and provide you with some ideas for writing your vows. They’re not here so you can copy them word for word!

Also remember these don’t include the legally required vows – those words generally go at the start of these ones.

Party 1

We have grown up together

We have travelled the journey from teenagehood to adulthood

The road has not always been smooth, and we have had many a bumpy ride.

One thing I can say for certain, is that you are the absolute perfect complement to me.

Your love, your warmth, your care… Your whole being, allows me to be a far more comfortable, confident, and capable person. You give me so much strength, I honestly don’t know what I would do without you.

Our circles of life are perfectly intertwined, we have managed to maintain our individual selves whilst at the same time become… ‘us’.

Nayyirah Waheed says that: “Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge”

We were teenagers, yet somehow, we were ready for each other.

I cannot explain how lucky I consider myself that amongst the chaos of life, we have been able to find each other and still be here right now.

We are first loves and have no other love that we compare ours to.

We have a wholehearted love that is so rare, we don’t carry the weight of love lost or the pain of a broken heart, we haven’t had to hold back from the fear of hurt. I look back on, and compare my past loves, and they are all You. I found you.

My promise to you, is to always be there, no matter what, no matter where, no matter how.

I promise to be the solid ground that you can launch your dreams from and reach the stars.

I promise to catch you if you may fall.

I promise to be silly, fun, funny and utterly ridiculous.

I promise to compromise, adapt, and continue growing together.

I will love you forever and nothing will change that.

Party 2

To say I love you is not enough. To try to condense the depth of my feelings into a few words is impossible. It doesn’t tell of the respect I have for you as an individual, nor how tender and caring you are, nor the joy I find in your laughter. I admire and adore who you are, and you continue to help me grow into a better person.

Each day I look at you and smile to myself and often, you will catch me looking at you and in that moment all I am thinking is how incredibly lucky I am to have found you. All it takes is a glance and you fill my heart with love and happiness, and today I promise you happiness for the rest of your life as we build a life together as husband and wife. I will carry you when you are weak, dry your tears, share the good and the bad times.

I vow to continue to be myself, rigid in routine yet full of surprises. I’ll continue to start crappy handyman jobs for you to finish off, horrifying you with the quality. I promise to bring you Sunday morning market supplies until I’m decrepit and can no longer walk. I promise to give you security yet keep you guessing at every turn.

I love you because you’re joyful, adventurous and understand the strength in vulnerability. I love your big heart and beautiful soul. You have shown me a kindness and love which I never knew existed. You have my whole heart, and may our adventure continue until we are grey and old.


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funeral readingsBlessing for One Who Has Taken Their Own Life funeral reading
awesome wedding readingsThe One wedding reading
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